This is where you can find all the latest news and articles about the work we're undertaking at the BBP
Better Buildings Partnership Unveils 2030 Vision for Sustainable Transformation of the Commercial Property Sector
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Double win for M J Mapp at the 'Green Apple Awards'
30 November 2017
M J Mapp have been awarded two Green Apple Awards in recognition of their work in embedding sustainable business practices across their property management services.
Topic: Property Management
Type: News
Member: MAPP
Workman Shopping Centres Go Green
28 November 2017
Workman has won a host of Green Apple Awards with a wide range of initiatives across our shopping centre portfolio, from water and energy saving, environmental management and innovation..
Topic: Energy/Carbon
Type: News
JLL scoops 26 of industry’s top environmental awards
22 November 2017
This year’s Green Apple Environmental Awards has awarded top accolades to 26 JLL-managed commercial properties, with two of the honoured shopping centres also selected to feature in the Green Apple World Awards held in Dubai...
Type: News
Member: JLL
Property Agents Leading Drive to Clean-up Rubbish Data
16 November 2017
The BBP Managing Agents Partnership is launching a new suite of guidance notes to improve UK waste management practices...
Topic: Waste
Type: News
Workman announce their support of Supporting UKGBCs ‘WELLBEING LAB’
30 September 2017
Workman Retail is taking part in the UK Green Building Council’s ‘Wellbeing Lab’ programme. In its second year, the Lab focuses on retail property and provides seven months’ of knowledge exchange and hands-on collaborative learning to help understand the business case for retail spaces that support the health and wellbeing of shoppers and retail workers.
Topic: Wellbeing
Type: News
Member: Workman
JLL UK achieves 78 percent of its sustainability targets in 2016
21 July 2017
JLL is targeting 100% renewable electricity and zero waste to landfill offices as part of a new corporate sustainability agenda for 2020…
Topic: Measurement & Reporting
Type: News
Member: JLL
CBRE research confirms relationship between working environment and ability to perform
19 May 2017
Groundbreaking research conducted by the University of Twente and CBRE confirms the relationship between people's working environment and their health, well-being and ability to perform...
Topic: Wellbeing
Type: News
Member: CBRE
Savills property management team commended for sustainability at BREEAM Awards
17 March 2017
Savills property management team commended for sustainability at BREEAM Awards 17 March 2017 Savills property management team was triumphant at the recent BREEAM Awards walking away with the accolade for best BREEAM In-Use Office for management of Kings Place, London. The annual event took place in The London Marriott Hotel, Tuesday 7th March 2017. As the appointed managing agent at Kings Place on behalf of Deka Immobilien GmbH, Savills was commended for achieving the UK’s highest ever BREEAM rating for property management. The firm has worked closely with Deka and the building’s tenants to implement a range of improvement initiatives aimed at addressing a wide range of issues in the building, including energy usage, water efficiency and occupier health & wellbeing. Kings Place is one of only two buildings to achieve an ‘outstanding’ rating for management in the UK. The mixed use, prime London asset, located next to Regents Canal, is multi-let to a number of high profile, blue chip tenants with a leisure offer, including a restaurant, art and events facilities and a theatre on the lower floors. The BREEAM In-Use assessment on the building independently assessed the asset (built form) and management sustainability performance of the building across nine categories: energy; greenhouse gas emissions; water; waste; air quality; noise; lighting and health and wellbeing. Alan Page, sustainability consultant in the property management team at Savills, comments: “This is a fantastic result for Savills that showcases the hard work of everyone involved. We will continue to strive to offer a best in class service in sustainable property management.” The awards acknowledges projects that have demonstrated excellence in the application of BREEAM, the internationally recognised measure of sustainability master planning, infrastructure, buildings and communities.
Topic: Energy/Carbon
Type: News
Member: Savills